Friday, August 24, 2007


My name is Kwan Yin Ma, and I live in Sugar Land. I am currently a second year at the University of Houston majoring in Pre-pharmacy and planning on applying to the University of Houston Pharmacy School for the Fall 2008 semester. My PCAT exam is tomorrow, and I am extremely nervous!

Truthfully, almost all the writings I have done are school related. I seldom write on my free time or as a hobby. I realize that those are not the words a professor, especially an English teacher, would like to hear from his students. However, although I write only when required to, I find myself enjoying the process of writing when the assignment is not as stringent. Of course, the rewarding A on a paper I spent numerous days on adds to the pleasure of writing.

The last time I read or wrote poetry was in high school. Analyzing, or plainly just understanding, poetry is my weak point. On the other hand, writing creative poems is something I find very enjoyable. Even though I may have to struggle through this course, I am still very interested and excited about this Intro to Poetry class. I believe poets are amazing, because they are able to transform their thoughts and ideas into an entirely different and unique language. I hope that by the end of this semester, I will have a great amount of new knowledge about poetry.

On Monday, the first day of school, I found out UH changed the professor to one of my classes without informing me. Let’s just say that was a scary one hour. After several days of waiting for someone to drop this class, I finally found an open spot and am a part of your ENGL 2306 class! Following enrollment to this course on Monday, I had to wait for WebCT to fix their problem with loading students in their classes (UH always has a way to make your life miserable). Hoping I have not missed any assignments yet, I was finally able to get access to this class today, Friday. As I quickly learn the how-tos and familiarize myself with the structure of this class, I am here typing my first assignment of the semester that is due tomorrow.